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Image by Dave Hoefler

"The interdunal and ridge-swale wetlands located on the proposed development site are rare, with only 10 known examples in Wisconsin and small acreages present at each site."

Image by Sam Mgrdichian

"The Kohler parcel is one of the few remaining large forest blocks with enough resources to support large numbers of migrants of many species through extended stopovers, which migratory bird biologists refer to as “full-service hotels.”

Image by Jordan M. Lomibao

"Based on the results of the Phase II archaeological evaluation, it is the opinion of Commonwealth Resources Group that the prehistoric component of the site meets the defined criteria of significance for the National Register of Historic Places."

Image by Ines Göhringer

There are 11 endangered, threatened, and species of significant concern within the project and surrounding areas.

Image by Timon Studler

Well pumpage reports from 2015-2020 indicate that 422,240,950 gallons of water were pumped from high-capacity wells onto Kohler's existing Sheboygan County Golf Courses. For information on the threats to Great Lakes freshwater, read Peter Annin's book, Great Lakes Water Wars or click on the BeltMag article linked below.  

Image by Dave Hoefler

180 of Kohler's 247 acres will be clear cut to make room for the golf course. This is the last privately held, intact forest on the Wisconsin Lake Michigan shore. Changes that occur to Kohler's forest will impact the forests in the adjacent Kohler-Andrae State Park. An underground symbiotic relationship between the trees' root systems and fungi allows trees to communicate and share resources.

© Copyright Friends of the Black River Forest. 2014 - 2022.

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