Kohler Andrae State Park September 29, 2024
State Park Gems and Harrington Kohler Migratory route
Learn, hike, immerse yourself in the beauty of a Wisconsin gem, Sunday, September 29, when Friends of the Black River Forest and the Sierra Club present Learning About Our Wisconsin Gems at Kohler Andrae State Park.
12 p.m.-1:15 The day will begin with a presentation by Steven Davis, Wisconsin State Parks: Valuing the Invaluable.
Professor Davis will speak on the myriad economic, ecosystem, cultural and social values of the Wisconsin State Park System and issues of privatizing public lands in our state.
Steven Davis is a Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies at Edgewood College and author of In Defense of Public Lands (2018, Temple University. Press)
The Other Public Lands: Preservation, Extraction and Politics on the 50 States’ Natural Resource Lands (2025, Temple University Press).
2 p.m.-3:15 Rebecca Gilman, of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, will speak on the importance of preserving the Harrington Beach/Kohler Andrae Migratory corridor.
3:15 p.m-4:00 Meet with Sierra Club and FBRF supporters
to learn more about our campaign

Governor Evers: Free Kohler Andrae State Park. Review the flawed Kohler Land Swap Deal Sign the petition here.
The Sierra Club joins FBRF in this kickoff event whose mission is to educate Wisconsin residents on the value of our state parks. The DNR continues to hold prime acres of KASP dunes and forest for the Kohler Company to develop whenever it chooses. The Kohler Company has no wetland permit to build its proposed golf course. The Land exchange Agreement giving the company prime State Park land was tied to a specific golf course plan. FBRF believes the agreement should be rescinded. The DNR and Governor Evers have been asked repeatedly to rescind the agreement, however, a DNR attorney suggests that the agency will wait until Kohler decides if it will use the park land. FBRF BELIEVES THAT THE DNR'S REFUSAL TO RESCIND THE AGREEMENT BY DEFERRING TO KOHLER, HAS CEDED ITS MANDATE TO MANAGE STATE PARK LANDS FOR THE PEOPLE OF WISCONSIN TO A CORPORATE ENTITY.
Wisconsin residents value their state parks and we believe they reject the precedence this will set for future GIVEAWAYS of our state gems to for-profit corporations.
Follow the campaign to STOP THE SWAP on instagram, Friends of the Black River Forest on Facebook. and friendsblackriverforest.com
Wisconsin needs Environmental Leaders to take a stand on the state giving our state parks to corporations.
FBRF will forward this letter to Governor Evers and the Natural Resources Board